Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Tsunami / Earthquake Terror Stricks again

More than a thousand, perhaps even up to as many as 2000 people could be dead after a powerful earthquake struck in the Indian Ocean off western Sumatra, damaging cities across an area of several hundred kilometres and sparking widespread fear of another catastrophic tsunami.

A photo of the city centre of Gunung Sitoli on Nias Island which lies in ruins after this earthquake and more details can be read here

Does it surprise you that these tsunami hits happened just after Christmas and Easter? It really struck me! God is certainly telling us something!

1 comment:

Kel said...

The timing with holy holidays is an interesting coincidence for sure. But I'm not sure if the Tsunamis are God speaking? It's a big question being bandied around over the past few months in the press, both secular and religious.
What do you think?