Sunday, April 03, 2005

Prayer and Mission (2)

Amen amen and amen to John Dekker, wilsonian and mike hall who wrote comments on my last post here

"Does prayer really make a difference in mission? Is a mission trip that centers on prayer and education of the work really worth the time, money and effort? Is prayer truly a major part of church planting? "
The answer to all of those questions is an emphatic YES!

Well that's why I will be attending the World Team Paris Prayer Conference in June, where the whole mission trip focuses on prayers. I believe that we can really be a part of God’s plan to redeem the people of France (and in fact all over the world) if all we do is pray for them.

According to Steve Miller, former World Team missionary in France, "the majority of French people would not care to talk to you about God. They are not really interested.To them, when you die, you die-that's it. Even the Catholic influence is diminishing.'What has the church done?' they ask. 'It took our money, built big places and gave us nothing in return.'That's why the French tend to have an antagonistic and humanistic outlook on life. It's very tough for the gospel to move in."

I invite you to pray with me for the people in France and Europe, so that they can get to know God and have an intimate relationship with HIM.

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