Sunday, April 16, 2006

Christ's Resurrection And Ours

On Easter Sunday my mentor Professor Brown came to preach at CCBC on the topic of Christ's Ressurection and ours based on Romans 6:1-11. The following is the summary of the sermon.

In conversion, the Holy Spirit unites us with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. We are raised to:
  1. Christian Fellowship (1 Corinthians 12:13)

Baptised one by one, we are brought unot an amazing togetherness, Christ's body, His children. A body is closely bonded together. Fellowship is not a Sunday exercise, but a daily experience.

2. A Christian Lifestyle (Colossians 3:1)

Living on earth, our heart is with Christ in heaven. We are to show in daily life what heaven is like. Be like Jesus, he was with the crowd, one with them; the only difference is he was kind, helpful and generous.

3. Christian Service (1 Peter 2:3)

Like living stones we are being built together into a house for God, a holy temple. God lives there. Peter's 'house' also means 'household'. So the stones are priests. The lowliest service is priestly.

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