Monday, May 14, 2012

7 Pillars of Wisdom

Blueprint 2 BIGNESS shared "The 7 Pillars of Wisdom for Business" which I find helpful, and always strive to apply and live out in my own business. Here they are:
  1. Ethics: business ethics and values
  2. Humility: service centric; focus on internal and external clients; giving credit and not taking it
  3. Instruction: training, mentoring, coaching, education
  4. Discipline: alignment to vision values and purpose; implementing strategy; organisational and cultural transformation
  5. Knowledge: knowledge repository, mentoring, intranet, training, information sharing, peer facilitated mentoring
  6. Integrity: keeping promises, “walking the talk”, modelling values
  7. Honesty: truth, transparency, authenticity, sincerity
All 7 Pillars are important, and I particularly resonate with Pillar #4. Discipline is doing the things we need to do, when we need to do it, whether we feel like it or not. Unless we change how we are, we will always have what we've got. Nothing of importance is ever achieved without discipline. Our goals, dreams and purpose can't be achieved without discipline, vision can't be realised without it. It takes huge discipline to make a difference.

How do you feel about these 7 pillars? Which one do you resonate with the most?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find walking the talk and integrity extremely important. Lisa